Gail Fuller for Byron Shire Council
Gail Fuller is the president of the Byron Bay Chamber of Commerce and local long-term real estate agent.
Gail heads the ticket for an all women team. Gail feels the business community needs clear representation in the shire and believes strong community consultation essential to deliver positive outcomes. She is very active in the community and assists on many projects. |
2nd on the ticket is Cerise Gollogly
Cerise has been an is an Artistic Director and Arts Representative working in the Visual and Performing Arts and Entertainment sector for over 20 years. She is focused on creating Sustainable Solutions for the Future of the Byron Shire. Her attention is set primarily on Integrated Design, Education, Art and Business innovations and the Activation of Public Spaces. |
3rd is a locally born Leah Kapral
Leah is an Environmental Scientist from Ocean Shores who has worked in both the public and private sectors. Leah has lead environmental planning aspects of railway, aviation, water sustainability, community engagement, and waste management projects. She is currently leading the Ocean Shores Master Plan group and other community based local projects. |
The team represents a cross section of the community.
• They feel that without the duress of a political party flavoring their views on important infrastructure and planning decisions, they can bring a common sense representative point of view to the table. Opening up the conversations about the community needs so that the ratepayers can have their views voiced and included in the decision making.
• Gail is very passionate about protecting the rural landscape and farming industry and encouraging more joint food production ventures. Working with rural landholders is paramount to the success of biodiversity corridors. Our team is interested in protecting the environmental values such as vegetation and wildlife that are endemic to the region. |
Politically we hold a very moderate, centrist view and our focus is on sensible planning, community engagement and supporting a sustainable economy for our diverse community. |
• We need diversity in our housing to support both affordable housing objectives including small housing initiatives. We need smart planning with designs and space that compliment the look and feel of the Byron identify.
• Our culture and arts sector needs nurturing and strategic support, such as incubator hubs for the entrepreneurs to collaborate and grow. Let’s keep the town free of fast food and showcase our incredible regions culinary delights and value add this to the visitor experience of the Byron destination.. • Ocean Shores and Billinudgel have been our forgotten towns for too long. Community infrastructure and facilities are urgently needed in Ocean Shores for the families and the high population that live there. Planning is well behind other towns with basic upgrades to roads, footpaths, street lighting, pedestrian safety and amenity needs. |
• We appreciate there are many sensitive issues in the Byron Shire at present and very radial differences in opinion regarding development and the environment. We feel that a transparent, common sense, considered approach is needed so that we can continue to support the shire in making decisions that build a truer foundation for our people. And from these decisions see movement and action.
• We have finally got money in the bank to start rebuilding our shire, and we need to ensure that through good governance with finance that we continue this and also ensure that we don’t have to sell more assets to become “fit for the future” again to avoid amalgamation so the Byron identify can be retained. |